Hello Activision!

You create amazing games. We’ve played them. Your design aesthetic is of the highest quality. Who the hell knows why you would ever need our services. That said we would love the chance to work with you. If you are looking for 2D animation for an upcoming project, give us a try! We can hit a lot of styles and are a ton of fun to work with. At least that is what our moms tell us.

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357

How Stuff Works: Alternate History Series – The Great Sandwina
PBS/WETA – The Gene Explained Series: Gene Whiz, It’s a Boy!
View full series
National Geographic: Bite, Sting, Kill
National Geographic – Weird But True Animated Series: Bovine Bath Time
View Full Series
The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Connections. View Full Series
The Reader risked his life to bring to the whole Church what should have never been prohibited. View full series.
Operation Prevention Series: Hallucinogens. View full series.

Contact us: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800     www.bakerandhill.com