Hello Ark Media!

Thank you for taking the time to connect with us. We love your work! Consider us excited to be a part of your team for upcoming 2D animation and motion graphics projects. Below are a few of our recent favorites for you to have on hand and pass around. We have many more in a range of styles, so please ask if you are looking to see something specific. We look forward to our next conversation!

Contact us: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800

How Stuff Works: Alternate History Series – The Great Sandwina
WETA: Iconic America Series – Did You Know?
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WETA & Henry Louis Gates, Jr. – Cornerstones: The Hymnist
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National Geographic: Treasure Hoard
The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Connections
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Toledo Museum of Art – Expanding Horizons: The Evolving Character of a Nation
National Geographic: World’s Weirdest Snakes
PBS/WETA – The Gene Explained Series: Gene Whiz, It’s a Boy!
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National Geographic: America’s Deadliest Sharks

Contact us: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800     www.bakerandhill.com