Hello INSP!

Thank you for taking the time to connect with us. We love the idea of telling history in :30 seconds so consider our whistles whetted. Short form animation is great to use in so many places – broadcast, digital, social – you get a lot for your well spent dollars. Below are a few of our favorites we’ve created recently. We look forward to connecting with you further!

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357

The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Citizen Science. View Full Series
Bad Science: Peanuts. View full series.
The Hymnist sang praises to celebrate the salvation of the soul and to save the body from slavery. View full series.
National Geographic: Treasure Hoard
How Stuff Works – Alternate History Series: The Great Sandwina
Yale University: Yale Goes to War

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357     www.bakerandhill.com