Hello Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens!

Thank you for taking the time to connect with us. We have a lot of furry friends and a lot of plants (all dearly beloved), but we also have a whole lot of experience working in educational animation and interactivity. We think it’s a winning combination. Consider us excited to help you find new ways to engage your audience, whether as a primer or to augment an exhibit or experience. Below are a few of our recent favorites to look through and pass around. We look forward to connecting with you further!

Contact us: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800

Weird But True: Fierce Frog
National Geographic: World Weirdest Snakes
Scientific American – Kavli Prize: Neuroscience. View Full Series
National Geographic: America’s Deadliest Sharks
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian: Native New York Exhibition
National Geographic: PenguinPalooza
The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Connections. View Full Series
National Geographic – Weird But True: Otters to the Rescue. View Full Series
National Geographic: Bite, Sting, Kill

Contact us: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800     www.bakerandhill.com