Hello Universal Creative!

Thank you for taking the time to connect with us the other day. Consider us excited to be a part of your vendor list for upcoming parks media projects! We’d love to team up with you for any animation, interactivity, or motion graphics needs. Below are a few recent favorites for you to have on hand, but we have many more so please ask if you are looking to see something specific. Looking forward to our next conversation!

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357

Weird But True: Fierce Frog. View full series
PBS/WETA – The Gene Explained Series: Super Gene. View full series
Operation Prevention Series: Inhalants. View full series.
The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Connections. View Full Series
National Geographic: World’s Weirdest Snakes
Be Vape Free Series: Cotton Candy Sewer Juice. View full series
National Geographic Museum: Birds of Paradise Exhibit – Survival of the Sexiest
National Geographic – Weird But True: History of Water. View Full Series
Cornerstones: Founding Voices of the Black Church – The Hymnist. View Full Series
2018 Kavli Prize: Astrophysics
National Geographic: America’s Deadliest Sharks
How Stuff Works – Alternative History: The Great Sandwina

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357     www.bakerandhill.com