Hello ESPN!

Thank you for taking the time to connect with us the other day. Consider us excited to be part of your team for upcoming animation and motion graphics projects. Below are a few examples that reflect the NBA Tease and Animated Recreation projects we discussed. We love the collage approach for the NBA teases, and think that illustrating embellishments over live action would be very fun and engaging. Additionally, we think that injecting more style into the Animated Recreations would enhance the storytelling and boost viewer interest, while aligning more closely with ESPN’s voice and brand. We look forward to our next conversation!

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357

How Stuff Works: Alternate History Series – The Great Sandwina
Style for NBA tease – illustrated embellishments over live action.
The Hymnist sang praises to celebrate the salvation of the soul and to save the body from slavery. View full series.
Style for NBA tease – illustrated embellishments with live action as collage.
National Geographic: Science Fiction Science
Style for Animated Recreation – creative visuals to help tell an interesting story.
National Geographic: America’s Deadliest Sharks
Style for NBA tease – live action with collage.
National Geographic: World’s Weirdest Snakes
Style for NBA tease – live action with motion graphics.
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian: Native New York Exhibition
Style for Animated Recreation – graphic illustration style to help tell an interesting story.
The Gene Explained: Invasion of the Gene Snatchers. View the full series!
Style for Animated Recreation – collage and illustration to help tell an interesting story.
The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Connections. View Full Series
Scientific American – Kavli Prize: Neuroscience. View Full Series

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357     www.bakerandhill.com