Hello National Geographic Kids!

We get the warm fuzzies when we think of the Weird But True animated series we created with you. We would love the chance to work with you again and get even more warm fuzzies. Below are a few of our favorite animations we’ve created recently as well as some Weird But True classics!

Contact us: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800

The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Connections. View Full Series
National Geographic – Weird But True: Wriggly Rain. View Full Series
The Gene Explained: Invasion of the Gene Snatchers. View the full series!
National Geographic – Weird But True: Eggs-traodinary Chickens. View Full Series
Operation Prevention Series: Inhalants. View full series.
How Stuff Works: Alternate History Series – The Great Sandwina
National Geographic – Weird But True: Fierce Frog. View Full Series
National Geographic: PenguinPalooza

Contact us: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800     www.bakerandhill.com