
Thank you for letting us walk down memory lane with you during your Monday meeting. We are proud of all the projects we have completed together and look forward to working with you again. Below is the video we created for the meeting, as well as some examples of work created for other clients. If you have anything coming up that you would like to concept with us, or if you already know the style you are looking for, give us a holler, we would be excited to connect.

Clint Baker: mrbaker@bakerandhill.com     202-427-6800
Mark Hill: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357

The Gene Explained: Super Gene. View the full series!
Cornerstones: Founding Voices of the Black Church – The Hymnist View the full series!
Operation Prevention Series: Inhalants. View full series.
Bad Science: Peanuts. View full series.
2018 Kavli Prize: Neuroscience. View the full series!
World Bank: A Quick Primer on Disruptive Technology