Hello Red Rock Films!

Thank you for considering us for your upcoming project, ‘Inside the Mind of a Dog’. We love your previous work and think we’d be a great partner for 2D animation and motion graphics. We can hit a wide range of styles, and would love to find the perfect one for this project. Below, we’ve listed rough phases and deliverables along with our estimate range. This is all spaghetti on the wall, and we are ready to adjust to make this work for you. Looking forward to your reply and to connecting with you further. In the meantime, here are some of our past favorites for review. P.S. Mark is a cat person and Clint is a dog person.

– Script review, project discovery, Q/A, research
– Finding visual and animation style(s), 
– Storyboard/Animatics and visual development for all deliverables
– Illustration and motion graphics production
– 2D animation and motion graphics: Rough Cut, Fine Cut, Final
– Compositing deliverables with Red Rock Films Team

– Opening Titles
– End Credits
– Lower Thirds
– 12 Animated Sequences up to 180 seconds

– 2 Rounds of revisions included in each phase
– All deliverables in Ultra HD

Estimate: $80,000

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357

Weird But True: Fierce Frog. View Full Series
National Geographic: America’s Deadliest Sharks
Scientific American – Kavli Prize: Neuroscience. View Full Series
The Curious Mind of Benjamin Franklin: Connections. View Full Series
How Stuff Works – Alternate History Series: The Great Sandwina
National Geographic – Weird But True: History of Water. View Full Series
Weird But True: Otters To The Rescue. View Full Series
The Gene Explained: What the Gene Is That?. View Full Series
National Geographic: World Weirdest Snakes
Operation Prevention Series: Inhalants. View full series.
The Hymnist sang praises to celebrate the salvation of the soul and to save the body from slavery. View full series.
National Geographic: PenguinPalooza
National Geographic: Animal of the Year
National Geographic: Treasure Hoard

Contact us: mrhill@bakerandhill.com     202-246-4357     www.bakerandhill.com